Tea Station

Hello! How was your weekend, mine was lovely, it´s great to be back and to be healthy, I am full of energy and I feel I have missed out on so many blogposts! I did nice things this weekend with Mr Beau and Baby Matteo, and had some time to rearrange some things in the house. I am still very fond of the lucite side table I bought in Zara home a few years ago, I had beautiful antique glass decanters placed on top of it, but with Matteo´s fingers touching them, I was afraid he might break them and so I stored them away. Now I use it as a tea station, I drink a lot of Chinese green tea, and these things all together could break, but are not that fragile as antique decanters.

Good quality wrapping paper with snake skin print I have placed underneath the lucite top on my wooden chest, I am very happy with the result.

All pictures taken with my new iphone 5, thanks dad for giving it to me as a present, love you!

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