update Beau Lifestyle

Thank you all for commenting on the blog exchange I have enjoyed reading the blogs of Home change home, the shingled house, Baum squad and House@heart. Please visit and read these blogs on lifestyle, decoration, DIY and family life.
I am back after being away for a few days, it was easter holidays and had my parents over for a few days to spend some quality time with our little Matt, how lovely was that, I already miss them.
They brought over many many goodies for our home...geee, where to start, it involves vintage trunks, vintage suitcases and a special closet. I will promise to take pictures and post them on this blog soon. I am also back to work, as my daily work pays the bills, it has to come before blogging, even though I notice my mind drifting away from my work sometimes thinking of tiles, fabrics and what to change next in my home. Matt is been sweet but oh so naughty, he also suffers that most of his teeth are coming through. He looks like a big boy now.

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