The reason of my absence lately...

Hello luv´s! This is the reason for my absence lately, and I am so happy I can finally say that I am 8 weeks pregnant! I have been telling friends these days and I am astonished many of them ask if we were looking for a second baby so soon? Yes we were. I always have wanted 2 kids. I grew up as a happy only child but believe me I would commit ....anything... to have a brother or a sister, so if you have brothers or sisters, treasure that! I am due in the beginning of January 2014, Matt will be almost 2 years then. I am bullied with nausea, and I forgot how it was to be pregnant in the first trimester, uuuuh.
Hopefully soon I feel a bit better and I am back to posting often. Yesterday I had a girl from London visiting our place, and I had to say I was a bit shy to show her around, with Matt now walking and running trought the house nothing is neat! The house is a mess, ooo what would it be with 2 kids? 

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