Last months were a roller coaster ride. I am so so in love with my two little boys, but they are a handfull! There was basically no time for mommy and no time for blogging.
I am very happy that we hired help. We have a sweet girl that loves my boys almost as much as I do and she knows how to educate them.
Slowly I am trying to become my old self again. I gained a lot of weight during my second pregnancy and I decided that I wanted to loose that during these months. I have help from a doctor that monitors my weight, gives me food advise and gives me mesotherapie. I also get lasertreatment to try to diminish my stretchmarks and get sclerosetherapie to get rid of little veins on my both legs. I go to Zumba classes with 3 girlfiends. The Zumba classes are highly addictive, the first time I laughed so hard, I am hooked.
So now you know my beauty routine, hopefully in a few months I can show you some results.
Another exciting fact is that we might move to a bigger apartment (with a balcony) or house (with a garden). Tomorrow we have our first house tour. We are looking in to something that needs to be reformed. A lot of work, yes but also the only way to get a house to your needs and taste.
I just recently discovered the hippy side in me, which made total sense. I love the hippy chic lifestyle, I will add more of those details to my life and home.

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